A Letter from VP Membership...
Hi! I’m Mila, an upcoming senior here at DG and VP Membership! I am so excited to meet every single one of you during fall recruitment this September! I remember going through recruitment back in COVID my freshman year and NOW I can’t believe I’m a senior! Thinking about the past 4 years with DG and all the amazing people I have gotten to know, I look back on recruitment as a fun time to get to know all of the girls in each chapters! Some advice for recruitment would be to keep an open mind and get to know what every chapter has to offer. Also, be yourself! Showcasing your personality allows us to get to know you and appreciate you as you are, as well as allowing the energy to stay positive and fun after the long recruitment days! Finally, don’t stress! Recruitment should be an exciting time, and even with all the suspense, all chapters here at UC Davis have amazing girls and incredible philanthropies that allow you to be the best version of yourself! I wish you all the best of luck this recruitment!! See you in September!
L O V E & I T B,
Roberta Ramila
VP Membership
Letters of Recommendation
Although letters of recommendation are not required, they are encouraged! If you are a Potential New Member who is a Delta Gamma legacy, or knows someone who has been in (or is currently in) a Delta Gamma chapter, have her fill out a Sponsorship Form for you. Sponsorship forms can be emailed to our VP Membership at rramila@ucdavis.edu, or sent to the DG house at the following address:
A t t n : Roberta Ramila
2 2 5 R u s s e l l B l v d
D a v i s, C A 9 5 6 1 6