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Delta Gamma's national motto is "Do Good." We believe it is our responsibility to give back as much as we can. Delta Gamma's primary focus is assisting and raising money for the blind and visually impaired. It is a truly rewarding experience knowing we are making a difference in the lives of others. 

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Delta Glizzies

Delta Glizzies is our very own fall philanthropy event, created by Delta Chi! We invite all of Greek life and other on-campus organizations to compete in a watermelon-eating competition and hotdog-eating competition. We first introduced Delta Glizzies in 2022 and after a successful debut, we can't wait to start this tradition!

Dodge for Dogs

L e a r n  M o r e  A b o u t

Dodge for Dogs  is our winter philanthropy where we invite the whole Greek community to form teams and participate in a dodgeball competition right in our own backyard! The cutest part of it is that everyone is encouraged to bring their dogs and we even have the local Guide Dogs for the Blind puppy raising club bring their puppies! The proceeds that we fundraise during this event go to organizations that support the visually impaired community such as: Enchanted Hills Camp, Guide Dogs for the Blind, and the Delta Gamma Foundation. 

Anchor Splash

L e a r n  M o r e  A b o u t

Anchor Splash is our biggest, most exciting philo event of the year! Each year, Dee Gees coach fraternities in perfecting a synchronized swimming routine, a relay race, a solo talent segment, and a  bellyflop contest. On the day of Anchor Splash, the entire Greek community comes together to watch each hilarious performance. Anchor Splash is always a great day in the sun- there's food, relay races, contests, giveaways, lots of time spent hanging out with our friends, and most importantly, we're raising money for Service for Sight! 

M o r e  w a y s  D e l t a  G a m m a  g i v e s  b a c k . . .

Senior Center

We are very involved with the Davis Senior Center! We often hold dances for the seniors and spend the day dancing, listening to live music, enjoying baked goods, and most importantly- getting to know the seniors! Dances at the senior center are something we always look forward to. We have been so excited to be able to come visit the seniors again after COVID!

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